The Pūkeko children wanted to share with the Mum's and Dad's about our HEART Zones this week:

"In Pūkeko we like doing HEART Zones and playing. There are lots of things we can learn and play with. We share and we play with friends when we play at HEART Zones. We look after our toys and we pack them up when we are finished. We are nice to new friends when they are joining in with HEART Zones. We are proud to show your our creations and learning. Some of them we bring home for you to see!"


We are drawing and colouring with the felt pens.

We are drawing and writing on the iPads.

We are learning with Numicon.

We are doing puzzles. This one is a princess puzzle.

We are making faces with playdough. Some of them were funny faces!

We like drawing rainbows and practising writing our names.
