Cultural Day Part Two

 Cultural Day was a very special day at Wigram Primary School. We love celebrating all the different countries we are from and all of the different languages, cultures and traditions represented across each of the learning spaces. In Pūkeko we have families from: Afghanistan, India, New Zealand, China, South Korea, Samoa, the Philippines, Tonga, Sri Lanka, Poland and Ireland. How cool is that?! It was wonderful seeing all the amazing cultural dress everyone wore and being able to spot the different flags we knew in assembly. Not to mention all the tasty food at our shared lunch!

In the afternoon we had a whole school Discovery full of fantastic cultural activities and fun. In Pūkeko we were so happy to see children from Toroa, Kōtuku, Kererū and Ruru come to visit and play. In the Heart Room we had an airplane role play set up and passports we could make. The teachers loved hearing children from all over the school talking and playing together and hearing lots of different languages being spoken. What an incredible day!
