
 On Friday Karna's Dad brought in a robot to show us! His company makes these robots. They go underneath people's houses to have a look at what is there, so that people don't have to. The robot can drive forwards and backwards and it could even drive over someone's foot! The robot had a camera on it that could show the person with the controller what is in front of the robot. Karna's Dad had the controller with the tablet on it. The robot was looking at us, so our faces ended up on the tablet. It was so exciting! We had lots of great questions to ask like "Can the robot climb?" and "Can the robot get wet?" We hope one day we will get another visit from a robot. It was so cool! Thank you very much to Karna's Dad for coming in and showing it to us.


  1. Hi my name is Kendric Pamure bridge room I like the
    robot you have made


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